Sunday, May 3, 2009


The Project to End Human Trafficing (PEHT) is a nonprofit organization that educates people about human slavery. The provide prevention lectures across the U.S. and internationally. They mainly focus on the sexual exploitation on women and children and bring the issue into the public eye.

Their company offers volunteer opportunities, internships, etc. PEHT is located in Pittsburgh, PA, but they have staff around the world as well. Their website is and provides tons of information on how to get involved and the resources that they use. In the future, I could help them by volunteering or using their provided resources to help educate people in Oklahoma on the issue.

This is an issue that occurs in many movies, such as the recently aired Taken about a girl from the states that goes on a trip and is put into human trafficing. Movies like this help raise awareness of the issue along with different nonprofits and other activists.

FIFE Chapter 18 is very interesting. Religion is always a touchy subject among large diverse groups of people. I didn't know that it had an effect with femism, but after reading this chapter it makes sense. I like that it explains how fundamentalism "perpetuates the notion that control of the female body is necessary" in patriarchal situations (109).

The visionary was a great ending to have in FIFE. I like that it goes against what the mass media says about feminism being dead and explains that now, more men and women of all ages are participating in this movement to equality. It's nice to see the encouragement of bringing everyone together with race, clas, and other biases aside.

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