Sunday, March 22, 2009

Assignment 7

He's Just Not That into You is a contemporary movie based on the book, with the same title, written by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo. The movie debuted in February 2009 about a single lady that works with two other women whom are both in relationships. Gigi, the single one, is constantly thinking guys are into her when really, they aren't. The two coworkers are constantly telling Gigi that she is overanalyzing how men react towards her and that they aren't interested when she believes they are. It isn't until Gigi meets a guy that gives her advice that she begins seeing what guys are "really thinking." 
By the end of the movie Gigi's coworkers are having trouble with their relationships and she ends up making the guy giving her advice fall for her. While falling for her, there is a change in roles in that he becomes the one over analyzing as a female would.
This movie strongly portrays gender roles with relationships. The girl is always "the crazy one," and they guy is always the one making the decisions and talking to multiple girls at once. I really like the end of the movie because the gender roles are switched to show that women and men over analyze relationships and "go crazy" over the other sex.
The movie trailer portrays that women are always waiting around for men to give them attention, men are always talking to many females at once, women are always over analyzing conversations and situations, and that men are supposed to be the forward ones in the relationship. The good thing about the movie is that it shows everything goes both ways by the end. 
I read the book and have seen the movie, and liked them both, but I question why there was a book and a movie created to show that HE is the one that isn't into you. I know there are times that a women isn't interested in a man that may be attracted to her, so this is sort of a slap in the face almost. 

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