Monday, April 6, 2009

Assignment 9

The Women's Resource Center is an NGO, but they do receive a small amount of state money while relying mostly on the community. They take in women who have been/are being abused physically or sexually and give them counseling. Often, they also have children in the home because they are also in danger in most cases. 

This is clearly a women's issue because they take in battered women, but it's not to say that men aren't abused as well. This is a good cause to work toward because women are generally not as strong in a physical sense as men are, so often times they are the one being abused in a domestic situation. 

This is a good cause to donate money to because it is in our community and it offers women a place to go to get help. Most people are too scared to get help, but this gives them a place to go and take their children out of a horrible situation also. 

Reading: FIFE 8 is about globalization and argues that women have similar situations all over. They link things such as cosmetic surgery to awful things that happen overseas. I agree that there is a link and that westerners need to look outside of their territory and help others, but we must not forget that their are problems here as well. 

Upper class society is still receiving more attention, especially in the media, in helping globally, but that isn't to say that there aren't a ton of regular people, not starts, that are helping globalization. I believe it has been going on for a long time, but there are still situations that need to be helped. 

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